Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Time passes so quickly...

Time passes so quickly sometimes I find it hard to keep up with all the things that I need to do or even all the things that I want to do. In realising this, I have promised myself that I will try very hard to follow a schedule. First and foremost, is keeping up with my writing and blog.

Yeah, I know, I laughed too.

I started my schedule yesterday and felt very good that I followed it to a T...it's funny, I talk of my children and their need for a written schedule to follow so they stay on task. Due to their disabilities, they need the structure that a schedule provides.

Well, seems that is isn't just the kids that need that structure. We have followed a schedule for so long (26 years) that I find , I , too get lost in life if I'm not following one.

So, I wrote out my schedule, posted it on the wall by my desk, and then informed my family that I will be writing each weekday morning from 8a-11a. Because my sweet children are so special and follow schedules to the letter, my son came to me this morning and said, "Mom, it is two minutes after eight o'clock and your not sitting in your chair!"

So, here I am, sitting in my chair like Bobby pointed out, writing in my Blog.

Yesterday was a good and productive day. I wrote more than 3000 words!

I have been dragging my feet finishing HAWK. Why? I think I needed to explore several options pertaining to the coming together of Sloane and Paige. I need Paige to open up to Sloane and put the pain and suffering she went through with her ex-husband behind her. I want her to be free of the fear that abusive relationships implant and also to see that Sloane would never hurt her or her children.

I think I started her on the road to healing with their first kiss. I promised to post it on Facebook, but there wasn't enough room so I'm posting it here instead. I hope you like it....

Paige wanted to back away from this man she had just met yesterday, but couldn't. She felt so safe enveloped in his arms that she wanted to stay there forever. Who was this man? How could he give her such a feeling of peace and safety after just one day? He was nice to her and the children yesterday and she hoped to get to know him better in the coming weeks.

She pulled away from his comforting embrace and looked up into his eyes. She saw a kindness there that she knew was genuine. The flecks of light in the soft gray of his eyes twinkled as he looked down into hers. He lowered his mouth and kissed her simply yet thoroughly. It wasn’t full of intense passion or ignite any burning flames…it was comforting, calming, like a quiet sedative that lulls you to sleep. She felt the subtle promise of reassurance in his arms, it was a perfect kiss.

So, there it is. Let me know what you think here or on Facebook. I love to hear from you.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well you did it again. Cynthia, what a story, can't wait for the finished book. That was a perfect way you had their first kiss to happen. It brought tears to my eyes. You make a person feel like this is really true. All of your books have been wonderful. could not put them down until I finished them. Hurry and finish Hawk so I can buy it.
From your biggest fan.

Welcome to my blog....

I may feel the need to talk about my books, what's happening in the world around me, or my family. What ever I write about, rest assured it will be what I believe and I hope in reading my Blog, you will get to know me.

I hope you enjoy your time here. I look forward to hearing from you all. Positive or negative, I appreciate all comments left for me.
