Who was that person? Me.
I have been so worried about writing the wrong thing that I just couldn't write anything at all. I avoid this Blog like the plague. I enjoyed it in the beginning and wrote a piece that I poured my heart out into...I thought it was good. Apparently my niece read it and called my mother and she called me and well...I deleted the post and have had trouble writing here ever since.
"What did I write about that was so bad that someone might not want to read or buy my books?" you might ask.
I wrote about the upcoming elections, and about how I hoped everyone would study up and read all you could find about all the candidates (both sides) before casting your vote...not just go by what you see on television...how I had wished I could have joined the Military when I was a young girl and why.
You see they were afraid that if people actually read what I had written then they wouldn't want to buy my books...
At that time I didn't know that they were all pretty liberal in their politics because 'you never talk about politics and religion' oh my....
Well, if someone doesn't want to buy my books because of that then so be it...but, I have things to say and I will say them here.
I am a Conservative...I am a member of the Tea Party movement...I believe that we as Americans have lost ourselves along this path of life and need to remember how our great country started...that's all, I just want us all to care about our country and love her as I do. I don't want to hear people in our Government apologizing for us anymore, especially on foreign soil. That is just wrong in so many ways!
I do not take the fact that you may or may not agree with me personal. I will never call you names because you don't believe as I do and really take offence to those that do. Just because you believe differently does not make you an 'idiot' or a 'moron'...it makes you an individual that believes differently than I do and I respect those with different opinions from myself. I love to discuss the issues with those that think differently because you never know when they just may teach you something.
I have been told that I am to patriotic...how can one be to patriotic? I would like to know, truly...
I have fond memories of the discussions I have had over the years with Uncle Frank. Now, Uncle was a staunch democrat. He had his way of thinking and nothing anyone would say could sway him. No sir, by golly! The first time he brought up politics it was so funny, because my in-laws knew how 'passionate' I am about my conservative views and knew he was very liberal...when he said something about 'Bush's war is about the oil and nothing more' I heard 'Oh oh, now it's on!" and then complete silence...
Well, I've got to tell you. That was the most heated, enjoyable debate I had had in a long time...and when it was over Uncle just smiled at me and with a chuckle said, "Well that was something, wasn't it?" I said, "Yes, it was," laughed and then I served dessert...there were no hard feelings on either side and I was already looking forward to their next visit and our next debate.
I'm going to miss Uncle Frank and our talks on politics...somehow, I don't think the next election will be as exciting!
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